Here’s answers to the most commonly asked questions we get.

Do I need a permit to cut down a tree?

It depends on a lot of factors. Type of tree, proximity to any buildings, how big is the tree, is it protected! Usually, it’s easier and safer to call us to carry out the tree removal for you.

How long does it take to remove a tree?

As a rough guide, see below.

Small – medium trees: 1-4 hours

Larger trees: 6-12 hours

Can I keep the mulch or wood?

Yes. We can cut your wood into manageable pieces, or we can take it away.

What is the best mulch?

The best mulch for gardens is from different types of gum trees.

Will the tree regrow once it’s cut down?

Short answer, no. As long as we stump grind or spray it with a type of poison so it won’t grow back.

What’s the best type of wood to burn?

All mixed gum and mallee are good to burn. They are dense and burn for a long time.

What is the preferred method of payment?

Cash, credit card or bank transfer.

Can you come to my property and split my wood?

Yes, we have a fully mobile log splitting service.

How much does it cost to remove a tree?

There are several factors to take into consideration when pricing a tree removal. These include:

  • Size of tree
  • Location
  • Accessibility
  • Type of tree
Do you cut down itchy pod trees?

Yes, we do.

How long does it take to grind a stump?

Anywhere between 15mins-2hrs depending on the size.

Do I need to do anything before you arrive?

Clear access to the job. Ensure there is not an animal mess (i.e., dog poo). Please keep animals securely locked up and people away from the work zone.